Jack: Hi!
Maria: Hello!
Jack: what's up?
Maria: Nothing much
Jack: let me guess texting?
Maria: yes lol
maria: How about you?
Jack: well same
maria: wait jack... who is that at your backyard?
jack: what?  i don't see anything
jack: are you joking maria?
maria: wait... where did the person go?
jack: what do you mean?
maria: i must be seeing things
jack: yeah...
maria: jack! he is at your door!
jack: what?!?!
jack: wait your joking right?
maria: no! im not kidding!
maria: wait where did he go?!?
jack: it's your imagination don't worry
maria: No! jack iknow it's not my imagination!
jack: wait i hear footsteps
maria: i told you!
jack: WTF!
maria: what's happening?
jack: i closed the door i'm hiding in the closet the person is at my room by the door knocking
maria: what?!?!
jack: help me maria!
maria: i can't!
jack: Help!!!
maria: Jack...
maria: jack?
maria: jack!!
jack: This is not jack...
maria: who is this?
jack: the one who  stalks both you and jack
jack: and your next
maria: O_O
Maria: im calling 911!
Jack: there would be no use i would have left the crime scene  and i am not a mere mortal\
maria: someone help me!
jack: No one can save you...
maria: hello?
maria: oh no
The End (it was a text story)